Every MONTH, throughout the year, we award a Top Senior, Top Junior and Best Subject winner during our photo share meeting (usually the third Tuesday night of the month).
An "outside" judge is invited to score and award our club images.
The top 3 winners are presented with a certificate to recognise their achievement at the following month's photo share meeting.
The top 3 winners are announced on social media: on Face Book (Hillcrest Camera Club - Members Only / Hillcrest Camera Club) and our Instagram page - @hillcrestcameraclub.
The Certificate of Merit images are presented in our monthly camera club magazine, FOCUS.
Photo albums of the Certificate of Merit and Gold awards are published monthly on our "Members Only" Hillcrest Camera Club Face Book page.
At the end of every year, our members are invited to submit their best photo taken during that year. An external judge will choose our club's "Top Image of the Year" for Senior and Junior, in 2 categories: OPEN and NATURE. Certificates and prizes are handed out at our AGM and Prize Giving social evening which takes place on the first Tuesday night in December.
These are our TOP winners as awarded at our AGM Prizegiving Social of 2024: